Monday, March 16, 2009

I am alive!

So, it's been a while since the last post. As of right now, I'm a little shy of half way to my fundraising goal (of $4000). So, if you were thinking donating was a good idea, but haven't yet, there's no better time!

I've also been riding a fair bit (indoors on a trainer at least). Actually this picture is just before I started a 3 hour ride that took me nowhere:

The first 2 hours I watched the first original Stars Wars movie. That wasn't quite peppy enough for a stationary multi-hour ride. So, I put V for Vendetta in next and that worked a little better for me. I think I concluded I should stick to the epics of Braveheart and the Natural that I used during winter for the stationary rides. Fortunately, those stationary rides are almost over for good except for this coming Friday...

On Friday (3/20/09), I'll be setting up in front of the Atoka Kroger with my trainer and riding for I'm not quite sure how long (I'm thinking at least five hours with short, intermittent breaks and probably longer). I'll be there starting at 2 in the afternoon is what I'm thinking (maybe a little later) and stay on the trainer till dark, and I'll set up posters and a table. I probably (read: definitely) could use any volunteer help if you're in the area and maybe would like to be treated to a beer (assuming you're of age) I brewed or perhaps a thanks afterwards. I'll send out a Facebook email here shortly asking for help. Just shoot me an email if you read this and don't get the one I'm about to send out.

Expect at the latest another post in two weeks all about the sweet, new bike I picked up for the trip that is currently sitting in the Grinnell College mailroom because I have poor communication and timing skills...

In other news, this guy's excited for a 70 degrees and sunny tomorrow. If you're in the Atoka area, I'll be the guy riding in a green jersey and the above bike. If you see me, give me a friendly wave. I like friendly waves...


Ally said...

Hi Nick, this is Ally - We'll be riding together this summer. Hope the weather is warming up for you - it was AWESOME out today.

I found that 300 was an excellent movie to watch while using the stationary trainer. Give it a shot!

Russell B said...

Wish I could come to Atoka, we've got Running Gag :/ Good luck!